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Murray is one of five cities in the running for a Comprehensive Neighborhood Revitalization Grant through the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). This grant program aims to provide economic opportunities and facilities improvements for those within low and moderate-income areas. The first step in going after these funds is to create a Neighborhood Plan that describes prioritized projects within the defined area.

Murray Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Revitalization Grant

Your City is in the process of creating a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan to apply for a grant through the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The plan will be completed by November 2024 to submit the grant application.
  • What is the fund?

    - Grant Program offered by Iowa Economic Development Authority, Funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

    - Fund assists communities that plan for neighborhood revitalization

    - Murray was 1 or 6 communities selected state wide for an initial $25,000 Grant

    - All five communities will submit completed plans to IEDA by end of December 2024

    - Three of the five plans will be awarded up to $1.7 million in grant funding to each town

    - If selected, community must match 15% of grant value.

  • Grant Eligible Projects

    - Street Trees

    - Park Space:

    - Active Recreation (sports courts, playgrounds)

    - Passive Recreation (benches, landscaped areas)

    - Public Art

    - Improved Street Quality and Paving

    - Install / Improve Sidewalk

    - Improve Storm water System

    - Historic / Cultural Amenities

    - Wayfinding Signage

Murray Revitalization Plan

This community survey has three tabs to participate in. Please be sure to check out all the activities!


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