Mixed Use and Commercial Area Vision

The images are examples of development patterns depicting a mixed-use district primarily consisting of commercial, office, and community (light) industrial uses. Residential uses would be allowed as stand-alone multi-family units or within the same building above commercial uses.

Quick Poll

What is a resaonbale building height for this type of development?

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  • 1 - 2 stories
    50% (10 votes)
  • 2 - 3 stories
    45% (9 votes)
  • 4 - 6 stories
    5% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 20

Commercial Area Vision

These photos are examples of form-based zoning developments with a mix of commercial and residential uses. A familiar example in the top right is Zona Rosa. The new zoning regulations wouldn't create a development that looks exactly the same but would encourage a similar design pattern, including buildings built up to the sidewalk, multiple buildings on one parcel, and an inviting streetscape.

What design features do think should be prioritized?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 22