Phase II: Public Input on Zoning Overlay

More input is needed. Your answers to the questions below will help further refine the area's future development. Click the buttons below.

Make sure to share your thoughts on Low-Density Residential development.

What is the Purpose of this Overlay District?

The City has received questions regarding the South Employment Overlay Project. We hope this information clarifies the project's intent.

Zoning laws set the rules for how land can be used, and an overlay district adds extra conditions without changing the property’s underlying zoning designation. An overlay district is a special zoning tool that cities use to add rules or protections to specific areas without changing the underlying zoning called for in the Future Land Use Map. Think of it as a transparent layer placed on top of existing zoning rules to address unique needs or concerns in a community. Even if the city doesn’t own the land, it can still apply an overlay district to privately owned property as part of its zoning and land use regulations.

Overlay districts are a best practice in city planning to protect the public interests, preserve community character, promote economic growth, and address safety concerns. This type of project helps the City manage growth in alignment with our Comprehensive Plan, ensuring that development aligns with community goals.

The 169 South Employment Overlay District is outlined in the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2020 by the Board of Aldermen. The Comprehensive Plan included extensive community engagement efforts to align with the overall goals of the Smithville community and the Strategic Plan.

As outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, the 169 South Employment Overlay District on the west side of HWY 169 in southern Smithville presents an opportunity to strengthen local economic development. Positioned at the city’s southern boundary adjacent to Kansas City, this area is intended to serve as a transition zone, incorporating increased commercial opportunities at the southern edge while gradually blending into Smithville’s residential character.

This project seeks to engage the community and gather input to help shape the City's vision for the future of this area.

Extent of Zoning Overlay Area

Possible Development Patterns

Development Pattern 3 was the preferred pattern, with 86% of the votes. Below, you can provide your feedback on the possible land uses.

What industry should be given the highest priority?

One goal of this new zoning overlay district is to attract new industries to Smithville. Please vote for the industry you feel should be prioritized.

This poll has concluded.

  • General Office
    10% (2 votes)
  • Bio-Science Industry
    5% (1 vote)
  • Tech Industry
    10% (2 votes)
  • Animal Health Industry
    10% (2 votes)
  • Mixed Use Developments
    24% (5 votes)
  • Higher Education Facilities
    14% (3 votes)
  • Medium - High Density Residential
    5% (1 vote)
  • Residential Above Commercial
    19% (4 votes)
  • Artisan or Community Scale Industrial
    5% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 21

Commercial Area Vision

These photos are examples of form-based zoning developments with a mix of commercial and residential uses. A familiar example in the top right is Zona Rosa. The new zoning regulations wouldn't create a development that looks exactly the same but would encourage a similar design pattern, including buildings built up to the sidewalk, multiple buildings on one parcel, and an inviting streetscape.

How Tall?

What is a reasonable building height for this type of development?

This poll has concluded.

  • 1 - 2 stories
    50% (10 votes)
  • 2 - 3 stories
    45% (9 votes)
  • 4 - 6 stories
    5% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 20

Medium Density Vision

The images are examples of development patterns that allow single-family units to easily exist with multi-family and office or light commercial uses. The vision is bring a new and unique housing option to Smithville.

What design features do think should be prioritized?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 22

Medium Density Street Views

These photos provide examples of what a developed block could look or feel like when developed in the style of the above development patterns. These development patterns encourage walkability and a mix of office and light retail in the same buildings as residential units.

What should medium density residential development look like?

18 February, 2025

Kevin says:

Affordable housing options are a priority. Focus on businesses that will offer new products and banks, car lots, gas stations

14 February, 2025

Jeff H says:

Like the image on the bottom right. street scapes and walking areas that are easily accessible

11 February, 2025

Kristine Bunch says:

We are not for this 343 development in Smithville at all. Destroying Smithville is not something City Alderman should approve.

31 January, 2025

Doug C says:

Like the hybrid model while using existing natural vegetation for buffer areas for a more natural look like the Shoal Creek area

31 January, 2025

Jenny Jones says:

a diverse range of housing types, such as townhouses, duplexes, small apartments no more than 2 to 3 stories

Low Density Residential

These photos are examples of residential development patterns that differ from a standard large-lot single-family subdivision. While those lots may develop in the area, other types of residential development would be encouraged. Single-Family residential should develop on smaller lots, creating unique open space opportunities and housing choices. In some instances, residential could be within the same building as commercial uses or located immediately adjacent.

Please provide feedback on the above images. Do you like the park and open spaces being designed into the block like shown in the pictures on the right? Do you prefer a more traditional residential block like shown on the left?

Provide any comments you feel are relevant to the single family development within this proposed zoning overlay district.
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Share Your Vision

Share your vision for the Zoning Overlay below.

Please add any additional thoughts or comments related to the South 169 Employment Overlay District.

Zoning Overlay Work Group Comments.

5 September, 2024

Mark says:

I like the idea of leaning into what MARC has developed in the past few years about high growth industries in our areas.

5 September, 2024

Debra Dotson says:

The flexibility of the hybrid model allows an aesthetic/practical opportunity for both residential and commercial growth.

5 September, 2024

Debra Dotson says:

Concepts of "live/work/play" / "walkability" have been considerations for years. This is an opportunity to put those concepts into play

5 September, 2024

Rob Scarborough says:

I like the hybrid model, which keeps the zoning fairly open to attract as many diverse ideas as possible while maintaining a general look/fe

5 September, 2024

CN5 says:

Zoning should include residential while maintaining a pleasant appearance that blends with the existing structures and nearby neighborhoods.

4 September, 2024

Steve Langley says:

As we discussed, a multi tiered and separate zones for single family housing, light industrial, town center type housing seem all feasible

4 September, 2024

Adam Royds says:

Workforce housing units. Local workers should be able to live in the town that they work. Businesses will want a local labor force.

4 September, 2024

Alicia says:

Strategically consider all types of businesses, be sure they will sustain staff and operations over the long-term to avoid vacancies

3 September, 2024

Gina Pate says:

I would like to see a focus on commercial spaces, offering more job opportunities in Smithville. I like the hybrid regulations and mixed-use

29 August, 2024

Pat Luce says:

Developers and commercial brokers could provide valuable input into this plan such as can it be filled and what businesses/industries.

29 August, 2024

Pat Luce says:

We need to be flexible but keep the character of the area.

29 August, 2024

Pat Luce says:

i would like to see attractive mixed use space as you enter the area from the south to make Smithville more appealing.

Zoning Overlay Vision

169 South Employment Overlay Vision

The 2030 Comprehensive Plan identified the 169 South Employment Center Overlay as an area where future development should be deliberate in use and design. It could provide economic opportunities and housing choices not found elsewhere in Smithville. The images below show the location and current Land Use Map designations where the overlay district will apply.

Future development should consider and provide multi-family, commercial, and mixed-use developments. Businesses that don't otherwise exist in the city, like tech, research, or bio-science, would be a natural fit given the proximity to KCI airport and adjacent development occurring in Kansas City. Development should rise to a higher level in site layout, building design, and materials, connections to open space and the trail system, and other features that will appeal to a live-work lifestyle.

Development Types

Click on each icon to learn more about each land use category and provide input on visiual preferences.

A general description of each land use category is provided. Photos of possible development patterns are included. Please vote to indicate the photo you find most appealing.